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Monday 8 June 2020

25 Bridal Makeup Mistakes You Shouldn't Make

Wedding season is knocking at the door and if you are in for this wedding season then surely preparations and planning have already started. Wedding is a big day in anyone's life that happens only once in a lifetime and so planning and arrangements are always grand in this occasion. Now if you are a bride then you surely there's load going on in your head. Makeup and perfect bridal are one of those things that you worry about the most. But somewhere if might end up making few mistakes while obsessing over perfection.

25 Make Up Mistakes to Avoid on Your Wedding Day

1) Bunking Rehearsed Make up Look: - This may seem extra cost to you but it's of great help. So going for pre bridal make up trial will actually worth it. Plan your makeup trial at-least three months before your wedding. By chance if you don't like the first trial then you will enough time to go for the second trial. Thus, keep much time in hand before the actual wedding for the trial makeup.

You can also try out for free by attending any free beauty event that's going near you. Keep looking for such events near your area. Before wedding season many beauty institutes offer free bridal packages along with other spa packages. That's one good way of saving your money.

2) Going Not Prepared for the Pr-Rehearsed Makeup Look: - Once you have planned for the trial make up, going unprepared is one of the mistakes you can make. What kind of looks and hair style you want if you go without any photo it may be difficult for them to understand? Take photos of hair style and makeup that you want. Showing pictures than verbally speaking is lot more effective.

3) Getting Stuck in Beauty Trends: - Lately wherever you see, all speaks about beauty trends and no doubt people are crazy about it as well. Trends come and go but keep in mind wedding picture are timeless. You will be showcasing them the rest of your life when no such recent trends will exist. Thus, keep your wedding makeup natural and usual. Go for something that will enhance your original beauty.

4) Experimenting with New Look: - Wedding day is not the ideal time at all to try out new looks and makeup style. This one of the major mistakes you can make. Avoid it strictly. Once you try out something new and somehow you find you aren't happy with the outcome, you'll have no time to change it and end up making a big blunder. Select bridal makeup that you feel comfortable with and can carry well, because focus will be on you across the entire lot. So, make sure you go with something of your choice and taste.

5) Changing Your Regular Skin Care Routine: - If you have sensitive skin or go through skin breakouts easily then abruptly changing your regular beauty regime is another mistake that you should avoid. Wedding time is not the ideal time to start with new beauty routine. You will not have sufficient time to recover it. Be consistent with your beauty regime. Also make sure to keep your skin hydrated every day in the morning and night.

6) Tanning sessions: - Opting for tanning session just the day before your wedding day I snot a healthy option. If you want tanning to be done then do it gradually over the week till the big day arrives. That way it looks natural. First start the tan session with the lightest color. This will help it to understand whether you like it or not. Then build color shades evenly for a better tan look.

7) Over-Tanning Process: - Never go overboard with the tanning session. A lot of brides seen going excess with the tanning process and expose the body in the sun before the wedding. Remember your dress must complement with your body skin and if you overdo the tanning process that will not make you look bright during your big day. Thus, avoid the mistake of over-tanning.

8) Don't go for Spray-Tan: - There are various types of spray tan available in the market and many goes for this option, but looks very abnormal. Instead for air brush tan and ask your tan artist to skip the face part as it makes it look unnatural with eyes and lids all covered in dark color. Go for bronzing your face that matches with your body skin tone; specially neck and chest and your middle part of the face should reflect light.

9) Waxing just before the wedding day: - Many presume that waxing body before the wedding day is accurate, but it's not. Waxing your body and eyebrows at least 5 days before the wedding day is the correct time to avoid any rash marks or scabs. If it's your first time of waxing then surely avoid waxing just the day before.

10) Not properly prepping your skin for the big day: - A healthy and nourished skin is most essential to hold your makeup well. A nourished skin will also blend and set your makeup well making it look even and refreshed. Thus, proper skin prepping is very much needed before this big day to make everything look perfect.

11) Bunking Body Make-up: - Your face area is not the only part that's going to be reflected in the big day. Other parts of the body need attention too during this big day. So, ending the make-up just up to your jaw-line is not the correct thing. Your body needs makeup as well. Your back, neck, hands all these displayed parts need proper makeup to match with your face. Else it looks very absurd. So never skip the body makeup process.

12) Layer of Heavy Foundations: - What most brides think is that putting multiple layers of foundation on the face will make them look bright. What they forget is it's a matter of almost the entire day and putting tons of foundation will eventually start making the face look cakey. Actual mantra is a sheer application of foundation is the key to look natural and bright in the focus light. It reflects stunning bridal portrait looks in the bridal photographs. Also, too much foundation will not last longer. Just apply a good primer before applying foundation. A good primer base makes your makeup stay longer and makes it look flawless.

13) Going Overboard with powder: - Powder brings the matte effect in the makeup, but while applying too much powder it can magnify any wrinkles under your eye area. So, avoid such look don't apply too much powder, apply little bit of powder for a subtle look. Just add a touch-up to the entire make-up to look beautiful and fresh.

14) Airbrush application of Foundation: - If you want an even finish with minimum even coverage then airbrush is just the perfect. But a director of one renowned beauty institute once stated that if you seek full and heavy coverage, then sticking to the traditional applying of foundation is a better option to opt for. Since wedding day is a matter of whole day, by chance if you sweat a lot or there's any rubbing off makeup by mistake, then second time airbrush applicator creates a problem. So, safe way is to go with the regular one.

15) Using Foundation with SPF: - These days majority of the foundation comes with SPF, which is good for everyday look. But for your wedding day it's better to stick with the normal regular foundation with no foundation. SPF added foundation will make you look white in the flash photography. If you are going for outdoor setup then you can apply sunscreen under your foundation. That way the SPF into your screen rather than sitting on top of the foundation.

16) Not Giving Adequate Time for the Makeup to set: - What mistakes most of the brides make is rushing for makeup just before the wedding event starts. Applying makeup steps one after another without giving any time to set may make a blunder. Allowing the makeup to dry after each step will make it last longer and look natural and even. After every application of each makeup step allow it to dry so that the next step of application sits perfectly on your skin. This will not only last your makeup longer but will also make it look bright and healthy.

17) Not Going for Waterproof Coverage for Makeup: - It's your wedding day and you surely want your makeup to stay all day long. You always go for waterproof mascara but do you know applying waterproof foundation is also essential. There's no such embarrassing moment when in the middle of the event you have smudged kohl dropping down your eyes or that flaws of your cheeks peeking through your foundation. Thus, applying a waterproof foundation and other waterproof base is a must. No application of waterproof makeup may blunt everything once you start sweating or have tears as it's an emotional day too.

18) Incorrect application of Blush: - A good blush and look will surely make you blush this day. But not applying correctly may make your make-up look all messy. Obviously, you don't want to look a clown this day with high blush on. Apply blush on the apple of your cheeks, which is the natural spot and then blend it with bronzer underneath it. Many tend to drag it to the temple which is wrong.

19) Applying Shimmer Highlighter in the wrong Place: - Applying highlighter in your make-up is one of the key parts that can make or break your entire look. Wrong application of shimmer highlighter can destroy the whole look. A shimmer highlighter reflects light back. So, applying it wrongly will not make the light reflect accurately making your wedding pictures dull. Apply shimmer highlighters on top of the lips or cupid bow, temple of your cheeks, underneath your eye-brows, also top of your brows on the side of your fore-head. That way your face will be in perfect focus with the light.

20) Going for Loud Dramatic Eyes: - Bridal makeup is already heavy and loud. Moreover, your lipstick will also be of dark shade, so going for too much dramatic eyes will cut down the attention of your entire bridal wear. Your eyes will draw the maximum focus and it will dull the rest look. Hence, opt for soft bright eye make-up. Smoky eyes tend to create a shadowy look in photographs that makes it look as if you have dark-circles. Highlight underneath the brows to enhance the eye makeup and avoid dark shadows.

21) Too much Lip Gloss: - Now lot of you love glossy lips and so the obsession of putting loads of lip gloss in this wedding day as well. But what you are overlooking is it's not the regular day, it's your wedding day and too much gloss will ultimately rub your lipstick. Go for matte lipstick finish, it will last your lipstick the whole day. On the other hand, too much shiny lips will lose the definition of your bridal look in the wedding photographs and your lips will pop the most. Thus, to make it look even avoid lip gloss.

22) Choosing wrong false lashes/enhancements: - A very popular beauty trend these days is false lash extensions. It is better to go for lash enhancement two weeks before the wedding day so that you can have enough time to cure if there arise any allergic reactions. Also, if you go for false traditional lashes then go for individual ones rather than strips. The tears make the glue/lash adhesive less sticky and thus there's a chance of tripping off the lashes. Thus, going for single ones looks more natural and prevents from tears during this "emotional day".

23) Overlooking the eyebrows: - What most brides overlook is the eyebrow that's the one of the key parts of the entire face. A good pair of brows will enhance the look in the first place automatically. Go for eyebrow color that matches with your hair color and complements your skin tone. Too dark shade may make you look weird. So, right brow application and brow makeup is also vital.

24) Forgetting about your maids' makeup: - Remember about the members who are going to be with you all day long and will take as many photographs with you. So, skipping and overlooking their makeup is one of the mistakes you should avoid making. You want to look well along with them. So, they need proper makeup too that you should take care of.

25) Overlooking to pack enough emergency-kit: - You may opt for the highest end perfect makeup but still you need to keep few things in backup for touch-up after few intervals. You don't want to look oily this day so keep oil soaking tissues, soft cotton balls to erase such issues. Some other stuff such as translucent powder, lipstick, make-up spray, adhesive for false lashes if wearing them.

Make sure you check this out for avoiding any little or big mistakes on your grand day. Below are some tips to help you from not making any mistakes and blunt this Bridal Makeup. The list of common and few massive mistakes are gathered above so that you know what and which to avoid.

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